Osiris Portrait God Afterlife Dead Resurrection Ancient Egypt Depicted Greenish — 图库矢量图片

Osiris, portrait of the god of afterlife, dead and resurrection in ancient Egypt. Depicted with greenish turquoise skin, pharaoh beard and atef crown, a combination of the Hedjet and ostrich feathers. — 矢量图

Osiris, portrait of the god of afterlife, dead and resurrection in ancient Egypt. Depicted with greenish turquoise skin, pharaoh beard and atef crown, a combination of the Hedjet and ostrich feathers.

 — 矢量图片Furian


Osiris, ancient Egypt god of afterlife, dead and resurrection, with turquoise skin, pharaoh beard, atef crown, mummy-wrapped, holding crook and flail. Cut up by his brother Seth, resurrected by Isis.
Osiris Ancient Egypt God Afterlife Dead Resurrection Turquoise Skin Pharaoh — 图库矢量图片
Horus, god of kingship and the sky in ancient Egypt. Tutelary deity, depicted as a falcon headed man, wearing the pschent, a red and white crown, symbol of kingship over the entire kingdom of Egypt.
Horus God Kingship Sky Ancient Egypt Tutelary Deity Depicted Falcon — 图库矢量图片
Isis, winged goddess in ancient Egyptian religion, with throne hieroglyph on her head. In Osiris myth and cult she resurrects her husband Osiris, who was killed by Seth, and protects his heir, Horus.
Isis Winged Goddess Ancient Egyptian Religion Throne Hieroglyph Her Head — 图库矢量图片
Isis, goddess in ancient Egypt religion, wearing a sheath dress and a throne hieroglyph on her head, holding a was sceptre and an ankh. The sister and wife of Osiris, whom she resurrected from death.
Isis Goddess Ancient Egypt Religion Wearing Sheath Dress Throne Hieroglyph — 图库矢量图片
Winged Isis, goddess in ancient Egyptian religion. In the Osiris myth she resurrects her brother and husband, the divine king Osiris, who was killed by Seth, and produces and protects his heir, Horus.
Winged Isis Goddess Ancient Egyptian Religion Osiris Myth She Resurrects — 图库矢量图片
阿努比斯像个傻瓜 栖息在坟墓顶上 在古埃及宗教中 殡葬之神 坟墓的守护神 以及通往冥界的向导 也被称为 Inpu Anpu 通常被描绘成犬科动物 — 图库矢量图片
Set or Seth, god of deserts, storms, disorder, violence, and foreigners in ancient Egyptian religion. In the Osiris myth, Set is portrayed as usurper who killed and mutilated his own brother, Osiris.
Set Seth God Deserts Storms Disorder Violence Foreigners Ancient Egyptian — 图库矢量图片
与骗子和连枷柱 (djed) — 图库矢量图片
古代美索不达米亚神马杜克的雕像 他的仆人龙在他的脚下 主要的崇拜形象和公元前9世纪的描绘 巴比伦城的守护神 后来合二为一成了贝尔和龙 — 图库矢量图片
阿兹特克猫头鹰与珊瑚蛇 在阿兹特克宗教中 猫头鹰与冥界有着特殊的联系 被认为是坏兆头 是人与神之间的使者 它们伴随着死亡神 — 图库矢量图片
西皮托克 西皮托克 阿兹特克仪式剥皮和农业之神 季节领主 再生和手工艺 东方统治者 我们的主 那个被剥落的人 在他穿着的剥落的皮下被描绘成红色 — 图库矢量图片
交叉的骗子和连枷的古埃及法老 — 图库矢量图片
金色的阳光从上部中心荷露斯的眼睛。Wedjat,古埃及的象征的保护、 王权和良好健康的女神 Wadjet。类似于神 ra.插图的眼睛.
荷露斯的眼睛,金色阳光 — 图库照片
沙黄色背景上荷露斯的眼睛。Wedjat,古埃及的象征的保护、 王权和良好健康的女神 Wadjet。类似于神 ra.插图的眼睛。矢量.
荷露斯的眼睛。Wedjat。古埃及的象征 — 图库矢量图片
Ometeotl, dual gods in Aztec mythology. Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl, or Tonacatecuhtli and Tonacacihuatl, a pair of deities, dwelling in Omeyocan, the highest of the 13 heavens, the place of duality.
Ometeotl Dual Gods Aztec Mythology Ometecuhtli Omecihuatl Tonacatecuhtli Tonacacihuatl Pair — 图库矢量图片
Tlaloc 阿兹特克的闪电 雨和地震之神 丰饶和水之神 他的皮肤是蓝色的 戴着美洲虎面具 嘴里冒出蒸汽 手里拿着一条波涛汹涌的蛇和一把斧头 — 图库矢量图片


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