人类肺器官 — 图库矢量图片

人类肺器官 — 矢量图


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The lung is the essential respiration organ in many air-breathing animals, including most tetrapods, a few fish and a few snails. In mammals and the more complex life forms, the two lungs are located near the backbone on either side of the heart.
肺 — 图库视频影像
人的心脏与肺与骨架 — 图库视频影像
人类的肺医学上正确的动画肺 3D渲染4K — 图库视频影像
人类的肺医学上正确的动画肺 3D渲染4K — 图库视频影像
蓝色 x 射线视图中的男性呼吸系统解剖。
男性呼吸系统解剖 — 图库视频影像
The lung is the essential respiration organ in many air-breathing animals, including most tetrapods, a few fish and a few snails. In mammals and the more complex life forms, the two lungs are located near the backbone on either side of the heart.
肺 — 图库视频影像
心、 肺、 横膈膜在蓝色背景上的身体
心、 肺、 横膈膜与身体 — 图库视频影像
Male BRONCHUS anatomy in blue x-ray view
男性的支气管解剖 — 图库视频影像
胃和小肠 — 图库视频影像
3d 解剖人体消化系统胆量与胃
人体消化系统的解剖 — 图库视频影像
胃和小肠 — 图库视频影像
The heart is a muscular organ about the size of a closed fist that functions as the body circulatory pump.
人类的心脏 — 图库视频影像
人的心脏与肺与骨架 — 图库视频影像
肺和膜片与身体 — 图库视频影像
肺和膜片与身体 — 图库视频影像
人肺呼吸运动的灵感与终止横隔膜功能3D动画 — 图库视频影像
The lung is the essential respiration organ in many air-breathing animals, including most tetrapods, a few fish and a few snails. In mammals and the more complex life forms, the two lungs are located near the backbone on either side of the heart.
肺 — 图库视频影像
The lung is the essential respiration organ in many air-breathing animals, including most tetrapods, a few fish and a few snails. In mammals and the more complex life forms, the two lungs are located near the backbone on either side of the heart.
肺 — 图库视频影像


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