Wooden Outdoor Staircase Fallen Dried Leaves Steps San Francisco California — 图库照片

Wooden outdoor staircase with fallen dried leaves on the steps at San Francisco, California. Long staircase on a slope with trees and grass heading to a building at the back. — 图库图片

Wooden outdoor staircase with fallen dried leaves on the steps at San Francisco, California. Long staircase on a slope with trees and grass heading to a building at the back.

 — 照片作者 dropthepress@gmail.com


Outdoor wood stairs with moss stains and fallen leaves on the side of the steps- San Francisco, CA. Staircase with metal handrails attached to its wooden railings and a view of trees at the back.
Outdoor Wood Stairs Moss Stains Fallen Leaves Side Steps San — 图库照片
密歇根州旧金山的室外直楼梯 上面有水泥台阶和绿色金属栏杆 森林中央的楼梯 侧边有野灌木和树木 — 图库照片
木制楼梯, 正在经历一个密集的刷子.
具有对称性的木制楼梯 — 图库照片
Outdoor stairs with fallen leaves on the concrete steps and painted green metal railings. Nature trail in San Francisco, California with wild shrubs and trees on the side.
Outdoor Stairs Fallen Leaves Concrete Steps Painted Green Metal Railings — 图库照片
Long concrete staircase in an outdoor nature park in San Francisco, California. There are plants and trees on a slope on both sides of the stairs near the metal handrails.
Long Concrete Staircase Outdoor Nature Park San Francisco California Plants — 图库照片
位于加州旧金山的户外楼梯上有水泥台阶和金属扶手 楼梯两边都有树木和植物 圆圆的落在中间 — 图库照片
木楼梯茂盛旧金山 — 图库照片
Outdoor park in San Francisco, California with concrete staircase. There are fresh green plants on the left and trimmed bushes on the right near the staircase handrailings.
Outdoor Park San Francisco California Concrete Staircase Fresh Green Plants — 图库照片
Outdoor stairs in a high angle view at San Francisco in California. Stairs with landings, concrete steps and metal handrailings in the middle of trees on both sides.
Outdoor Stairs High Angle View San Francisco California Stairs Landings — 图库照片
德克萨斯州奥斯汀市- -在野生植物和树木之上的木板路。单车径和行人径,后面有栏杆和两个垃圾桶.
德克萨斯州奥斯汀市 在野生植物和树木之上的木板路 单车径和行人径 后面有栏杆和两个垃圾桶 — 图库照片
加州旧金山斜坡上的木制楼梯 在侧边的树木和植物旁边狭窄而直的楼梯 上面有落脚处和木制扶手 — 图库照片
位于加州旧金山一个自然公园中央的永久性楼梯 室外楼梯 前面有弯曲的台阶 后面有植物和树木 — 图库照片
圣弗兰木楼梯 — 图库照片
冬天,楼梯带着白雪向山上的一条路走去 — 图库照片
位于加利福尼亚州旧金山的一个斜坡上的楼梯上 楼梯上有落叶 楼梯的绿色木制栏杆下面的斜坡上的树中间有一些灌木 — 图库照片
用石子踏板和金属栏杆挡住树叶和天空,把楼梯关上。 阳光灿烂的日子里,户外的楼梯与石墙相对照.
用石子踏板和金属栏杆挡住树叶和天空,把楼梯关上 — 图库照片


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