十几岁的女孩在奥地利滑雪 — 图库照片

十几岁的女孩在奥地利滑雪 — 图库图片


 — 照片作者 dnaveh


莱赫,奥地利 - 2015 年 4 月 10 日:在奥地利蒂罗尔州阿尔贝格的莱赫 - 祖尔斯滑雪胜地滑雪一天后,架满了滑雪板和滑雪杆
滑雪设备机架的 — 图库照片
滑雪板和雪-休息从在山腰的餐厅,与视图的滑雪、 滑雪道和好色之徒齐尔斯山滑雪滑雪胜地,宾馆滑雪区的一部分.
好色之徒齐尔斯滑雪胜地,宾馆、 奥地利蒂罗尔 — 图库照片
好色之徒齐尔斯滑雪胜地,宾馆、 奥地利蒂罗尔 — 图库照片
ZURS, AUSTRIA - APRIL 10, 2015: Kids skiing in a the Zurs - Lech, Arlberg, ski school. Parents and spectators are watching the kids racing on the final school day. Conveyor is used to go up the hill.
孩子们在奥地利滑雪滑雪学校 — 图库照片
ZURS, AUSTRIA - APRIL 10, 2015: Kids skiing in a the Zurs - Lech, Arlberg, ski school. Parents and spectators are watching the kids racing on the final school day. Conveyor is used to go up the hill.
孩子们在奥地利滑雪滑雪学校 — 图库照片
ZURS, AUSTRIA - APRIL 10, 2015: Kids skiing in a the Zurs - Lech, Arlberg, ski school. Parents and spectators are watching the kids racing on the final school day. Conveyor is used to go up the hill.
孩子们在奥地利滑雪滑雪学校 — 图库照片
莱赫,奥地利 - 2015 年 4 月 10 日:在奥地利蒂罗尔州阿尔贝格的莱赫 - 祖尔斯滑雪胜地滑雪一天后,架满了滑雪板和滑雪杆
滑雪设备机架的 — 图库照片
ZURS, AUSTRIA - APRIL 10, 2015: Kids skiing in a the Zurs - Lech, Arlberg, ski school. Parents and spectators are watching the kids racing on the final school day. Conveyor is used to go up the hill.
孩子们在奥地利滑雪滑雪学校 — 图库照片
ZURS, AUSTRIA - APRIL 10, 2015: Kids skiing in a the Zurs - Lech, Arlberg, ski school. Parents and spectators are watching the kids racing on the final school day. Conveyor is used to go up the hill.
孩子们在奥地利滑雪滑雪学校 — 图库照片
在意大利多洛米蒂山独特的滑雪缆车 — 图库照片
奥地利莱赫 - 2015年4月10日:滑雪者在奥地利蒂罗尔州阿尔贝格的莱赫-祖尔斯滑雪胜地滑雪一天后,将设备放在滑雪架上
滑雪设备机架的 — 图库照片
ZURS, AUSTRIA - APRIL 10, 2015: Kids skiing in a the Zurs - Lech, Arlberg, ski school. Parents and spectators are watching the kids racing on the final school day. Conveyor is used to go up the hill.
孩子们在奥地利滑雪滑雪学校 — 图库照片
好色之徒齐尔斯滑雪胜地,宾馆、 奥地利蒂罗尔 — 图库照片
ZURS, AUSTRIA - APRIL 10, 2015: Kids skiing in a the Zurs - Lech, Arlberg, ski school. Parents and spectators are watching the kids racing on the final school day. Conveyor is used to go up the hill.
孩子们在奥地利滑雪滑雪学校 — 图库照片
ZURS, AUSTRIA - APRIL 8, 2015: Ski gondola - cable car and a bird's eye view of the hamlet of Zurs and the Lech - Zurs ski resort in Arlberg, Tyrol, Austria
好色之徒-滑雪缆车缆车齐尔斯滑雪场在奥地利 — 图库照片
滑雪缆车 - 缆车和鸟瞰祖尔斯村和莱赫 - 祖尔斯滑雪胜地阿尔贝格,蒂罗尔,奥地利
好色之徒-滑雪缆车缆车齐尔斯滑雪场在奥地利 — 图库照片


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