有闪光照明的石油和天然气精炼厂、夜间石油工厂、有气体蒸馏塔和荷兰欧洲储气罐的石油化工厂 — 图库照片

有闪光照明的石油和天然气精炼厂、夜间石油工厂、有气体蒸馏塔和荷兰欧洲储气罐的石油化工厂 — 图库图片


 — 照片作者 fokkebok


有闪光照明的石油和天然气精炼厂、夜间石油工厂、有气体蒸馏塔和荷兰欧洲储气罐的石油化工厂 — 图库照片
德国科隆,2020年8月,载有集装箱、大型集装箱和油轮的内河航运运输船在德国莱茵河上 — 图库照片
Moerdijk Netherlands, sunset winth windmills by the Lake Vokerak River in Holland windmill energy sunset Netherlands
Moerdijk Netherlands, sunset winth windmills by the Lake Vokerak river in Holland windmill energy sunset — 图库照片
Moerdijk Netherlands, sunset winth windmills by the Lake Vokerak River in Holland windmill energy sunset Netherlands
Moerdijk Netherlands, sunset winth windmills by the Lake Vokerak river in Holland windmill energy sunset — 图库照片
Rotterdam Netherlands, Oil harbor with tank terminals and chemical carriers in the port of Rotterdam during sunrise in the harbor, huge oil tanks to store gas and oil
Rotterdam Netherlands Oil Harbor Tank Terminals Chemical Carriers Port Rotterdam — 图库照片
Moerdijk Netherlands, sunset winth windmills by the Lake Vokerak River in Holland windmill energy sunset Netherlands
Moerdijk Netherlands, sunset winth windmills by the Lake Vokerak river in Holland windmill energy sunset — 图库照片
Binnenvaart, Translation Inlandshipping on the River Rhein Krefeld Netherlands 2021, during sunset hours, Gas tanker vessel oil and gas transport Germany.
Binnenvaart, Translation Inlandshipping on the river Rhein Krefeld Netherlands , during sunset hours, Gas tanker vessel oil and gas transport Germany. — 图库照片
2020年4月荷兰鹿特丹港,日落时分,港口内装有油轮的天然气和油箱 — 图库照片
Moerdijk Netherlands, sunset winth windmills by the Lake Vokerak River in Holland windmill energy sunset Netherlands
Moerdijk Netherlands, sunset winth windmills by the Lake Vokerak river in Holland windmill energy sunset — 图库照片
有云彩和蓝天的离岸风车公园,有风力涡轮机的海洋无人侦察机中的风车公园 — 图库照片
Binnenvaart, Translation Inlandshipping on the River Rhein Krefeld Netherlands 2021, during sunset hours, Gas tanker vessel oil and gas transport Germany.
Binnenvaart, Translation Inlandshipping on the river Rhein Krefeld Netherlands , during sunset hours, Gas tanker vessel oil and gas transport Germany. — 图库照片
Moerdijk Netherlands, sunset winth windmills by the Lake Vokerak River in Holland windmill energy sunset Netherlands
Moerdijk Netherlands, sunset winth windmills by the Lake Vokerak river in Holland windmill energy sunset — 图库照片
Moerdijk Netherlands, sunset winth windmills by the Lake Vokerak River in Holland windmill energy sunset Netherlands
Moerdijk Netherlands, sunset winth windmills by the Lake Vokerak river in Holland windmill energy sunset — 图库照片
2021年1月,德国Krefeld,Krefeld Duisburg港的油轮登陆
Krefeld Germany号油轮在Krefeld港登陆 — 图库照片
Binnenvaart, Translation Inlandshipping on the River Rhein Krefeld Netherlands 2021, during sunset hours, Gas tanker vessel oil and gas transport Germany.
Binnenvaart, Translation Inlandshipping on the river Rhein Krefeld Netherlands , during sunset hours, Gas tanker vessel oil and gas transport Germany. — 图库照片
Moerdijk Netherlands, sunset winth windmills by the Lake Vokerak River in Holland windmill energy sunset Netherlands
Moerdijk Netherlands, sunset winth windmills by the Lake Vokerak river in Holland windmill energy sunset — 图库照片


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