Man with glass of beer at bar counter — 图库照片

Man with glass of beer at bar counter — 图库图片


 — 照片作者 gstockstudio


让我解渴吧 !快乐年轻男酒保穿着白衬衣伸出玻璃啤酒和微笑着站立在酒吧柜台
酒保伸出玻璃啤酒 — 图库照片
Cheerful young man in casual clothing enjoying beer while spending time in the pub.
Cheerful young man in casual clothing enjoying beer while spending time in the pub — 图库照片
Happy young male brewer in apron holding glass with beer and looking at it with smile while standing in front of metal containers
在围裙拿着玻璃与啤酒啤酒 — 图库照片
Happy young male brewer in apron holding glass with beer and looking at it with smile while standing in front of metal containers
在围裙拿着玻璃与啤酒啤酒 — 图库照片
让我解渴吧 !英俊年轻男酒保穿着白衬衣伸出玻璃啤酒和微笑着站立在酒吧柜台
酒保伸出玻璃啤酒 — 图库照片
Thoughtful young male brewer in apron holding glass with beer and looking at it while standing in front of metal containers
在围裙拿着玻璃与啤酒啤酒 — 图库照片
多么伟大的一天 !活泼开朗的年轻人拿着啤酒的杯子,微笑着坐在酒吧
男子持杯 — 图库照片
迷人的年轻人穿着休闲装,一边喝啤酒,一边在酒吧里呆着 — 图库照片
酒保伸出杯子 — 图库照片
酒保倒啤酒 — 图库照片
Happy young man in casual clothing drinking beer while spending time in the pub.
Happy young man in casual clothing drinking beer while spending time in the pub — 图库照片
性格开朗的酒保. — 图库照片
Confident young man in casual shirt writing something in his note pad while leaning at the wooden barrel with metal containers in the background
男子斜倚在木桶 — 图库照片
Handsome young man toasting with beer and smiling while his friends talking in the background
年轻人与啤酒敬酒 — 图库照片
Confident young male brewer in apron keeping arms crossed and looking at camera while standing in front of metal containers
在围裙男布鲁尔 — 图库照片
喝鲜啤酒 — 图库照片


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