Hail Net Apple Pears Trees Air Background — 图库照片

Hail net over apple and pears trees from the air - background — 图库图片

Hail net over apple and pears trees from the air - background

 — 照片作者 TrickHunter


Hail net over apple and pears trees from the air - background
Hail Net Apple Pears Trees Air Background — 图库照片
日落时带着苹果树的果园的空中景观 田野上布满了冰雹网 从无人俯瞰的景色看美丽的户外乡村风景 许多开花的植物和树木 — 图库照片
Workers picking pears in the field from crates attached to a towing tractor. Working in the middle of the day under the hail net.
Workers Picking Pears Field Crates Attached Towing Tractor Working Middle — 图库照片
日落时带着苹果树的果园的空中景观 田野上布满了冰雹网 从无人俯瞰的景色看美丽的户外乡村风景 许多开花的植物和树木 — 图库照片
Hail net over apple and pears trees from the air - background
Hail Net Apple Pears Trees Air Background — 图库照片
Hail net over apple and pears trees from the air - background
Hail Net Apple Pears Trees Air Background — 图库照片
Watering a field with pear trees with hail net over trees during the setting sun
Watering Field Pear Trees Hail Net Trees Setting Sun — 图库照片
Watering a field with pear trees with wooden supports for ropes supporting the trees during the setting sun.
Watering Field Pear Trees Wooden Supports Ropes Supporting Trees Setting — 图库照片
苹果树上的冰雹网 — 图库照片
Watering a field with pear trees with wooden supports for ropes supporting the trees during the setting sun.
Watering Field Pear Trees Wooden Supports Ropes Supporting Trees Setting — 图库照片
照顾好庄稼 从空中俯瞰一片广阔的农田 从鸟瞰的角度来看 绿色的麦田 甚至是供拖拉机使用的车道 农田上的抽象模式 — 图库照片
Hail net over apple and pears trees from the air - background
Hail Net Apple Pears Trees Air Background — 图库照片
日落时带着苹果树的果园的空中景观 田野上布满了冰雹网 从无人俯瞰的景色看美丽的户外乡村风景 许多开花的植物和树木 — 图库照片
日落时带着苹果树的果园的空中景观 田野上布满了冰雹网 从无人俯瞰的景色看美丽的户外乡村风景 许多开花的植物和树木 — 图库照片
苹果树上的冰雹网 — 图库照片
秋天有桃树和苹果树的农田 苹果和桃树在夕阳西下的黄光中 在农田上落幕 — 图库照片


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