Procris Who Killed Cephalus Sits Landscape Surrounded Hunting Dogs Cephalus — 图库照片

Procris, who was killed by Cephalus, sits in a landscape, surrounded by hunting dogs. Cephalus is standing next to her, holding the spear.To the right of the road,a bent shepherd walks with his sheep. — 插图

Procris, who was killed by Cephalus, sits in a landscape, surrounded by hunting dogs. Cephalus is standing next to her, holding the spear.To the right of the road,a bent shepherd walks with his sheep.

 — 插图, 创作者:Morphart


有村庄的丘陵地带 在前景中 一只鹿正被骑着马的狗和人追赶着 在左边的前景 情侣们在散步 — 图库照片
Two falconers on their way, one on horseback, the other on foot. A dog walks ahead of them. To the left two trees and shrubs.
Two Falconers Way One Horseback Other Foot Dog Walks Ahead — 图库照片
几个牧羊人带着羊群和狗在岩石上的废墟前散步 左边后边的一个湖 — 图库照片
森林景观, Aegidius Sadeler, Paul Bril, 1580-1620,古埃及雕刻家.
森林景观 Aegidius Sadeler Paul Bril 1580 1620 古埃及雕刻家 — 图库照片
俯瞰布鲁塞尔附近莱肯的一座城堡 这张照片是布鲁塞尔地区面孔系列照片的一部分 — 图库照片
In a hilly landscape, on a road with trees on either side, two cow floats with three cows walk. Three more men walk ahead of the cows. Print from a series of Italian landscapes.
Hilly Landscape Road Trees Either Side Two Cow Floats Three — 图库照片
八号系列的第三号山上有一棵大树和一对散步的夫妇的风景 — 图库照片
From a series of six. A brook that flows through the forest, two hikers and a church tower in the distance.
Series Six Brook Flows Forest Two Hikers Church Tower Distance — 图库照片
撒母耳膏扫罗作王的水景 撒母耳把一罐油倒在扫罗头上 在页边是拉丁文字幕 圣经中提到1山姆 — 图库照片
秋天的风景与秋天的风景 十一月是橡果和屠杀的月份 在左边的前景中 两个农民看到一棵树分成两半 — 图库照片
一幅树木茂密的山景 前面是基督 左边是基督 触动了一个跪在他面前的瞎子的眼睛 — 图库照片
有村庄的丘陵地带 在前景中 一只鹿正被骑着马的狗和人追赶着 在左边的前景 情侣们在散步 — 图库照片
Landscape with a river. On the bank two boys with a staff, a dog and a number of sheep.
Landscape River Bank Two Boys Staff Dog Number Sheep — 图库照片
森林边缘有一个水坑 里面有马 牛和牧羊人 — 图库照片
From a series of six. A brook that flows through the forest, two hikers and a church tower in the distance.
Series Six Brook Flows Forest Two Hikers Church Tower Distance — 图库照片
和一群骡子在一起的森林景观,亚历山大 · 沃埃特,作者Jacques Fouquier,1661-1689年在森林里排雷,森林里有一条路,一个人骑着一头负重的驴穿过一条路.
和一群骡子在一起的森林景观 亚历山大 沃埃特 作者Jacques Fouquier 1661 1689年在森林里排雷 森林里有一条路 一个人骑着一头负重的驴穿过一条路 — 图库照片


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