
卡车在高速公路上行驶.塞尔胡的观点。汽车沿着高速公路行驶,俯瞰全景.公路上的汽车交通 — 图库影像片段


 — 视频影像igor.bay.stock@gmail.com


The red truck is driving along the highway. A group of trucks are driving along the highway. Modern trucks transport liquid cargo in tanks.
The red truck is driving along the highway. A group of trucks are driving along the highway. Modern trucks transport liquid cargo in tanks — 图库视频影像
卡车沿着大路行驶.一辆装有油罐车的卡车沿着公路的特写镜头行驶。危险货物运输 — 图库视频影像
阳光灿烂的一天,一辆卡车正沿着公路行驶.卡车在轨道上。货物运输。在阳光充足的天气,卡车沿着公路行驶.卡车在一条现代公路上行驶. — 图库视频影像
天气晴朗时,一辆白色四轮马车沿着公路行驶.公路上的卡车 — 图库视频影像
Trucks are driving along the road. A convoy of trucks drives under the highway. Modern trucks on the track.
Trucks are driving along the road. A convoy of trucks drives under the highway. Modern trucks on the track — 图库视频影像
卡车在高速公路上行驶.卡车在公路上绕着田野和树木行驶 — 图库视频影像
一辆装有蓝色拖车的垃圾车沿着公路行驶,一辆货车在阳光灿烂的长路上行驶 — 图库视频影像
Trucks are driving along the road. A convoy of trucks drives under the highway. Modern trucks on the track.
Trucks are driving along the road. A convoy of trucks drives under the highway. Modern trucks on the track — 图库视频影像
Tank and truck cleaning. A tanker truck drives into a tank cleaning station. Truck wash. Station for cleaning trucks and tanks from chemical pollution.
Tank and truck cleaning. A tanker truck drives into a tank cleaning station. Truck wash. Station for cleaning trucks and tanks from chemical pollution — 图库视频影像
卡车沿着大路行驶.一辆装有油罐车的卡车沿着公路的特写镜头行驶。危险货物运输 — 图库视频影像
The red truck is driving along the highway. A group of trucks are driving along the highway. Modern trucks transport liquid cargo in tanks.
The red truck is driving along the highway. A group of trucks are driving along the highway. Modern trucks transport liquid cargo in tanks — 图库视频影像
卡车在城外一条平坦的现代化道路上行驶.在一个阳光灿烂的日子,卡车正沿着大路行驶 — 图库视频影像
一辆装有蓝色拖车的垃圾车沿着公路行驶,一辆货车在阳光灿烂的长路上行驶 — 图库视频影像
Trucks are driving along the road. A convoy of trucks drives under the highway. Modern trucks on the track.
Trucks are driving along the road. A convoy of trucks drives under the highway. Modern trucks on the track — 图库视频影像
Three trucks are driving along the road, aerial view. Flying over the motorway along which fuel trucks are traveling. — 图库视频影像
高速公路上的车流。卡车在高速公路上行驶.塞尔胡的观点。汽车沿着公路行驶,俯瞰全景. — 图库视频影像


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