Lsalvador Bahia Brazil September 2014 Brazilian Navy Military Personnel Seen — 图库照片

Lsalvador, bahia, brazil - september 7, 2014: Brazilian Navy military personnel are seen during a military parade celebrating the independence of Brazil in the city of Salvador. — 图库社论摄影

Lsalvador, bahia, brazil - september 7, 2014: Brazilian Navy military personnel are seen during a military parade celebrating the independence of Brazil in the city of Salvador.

 — 照片作者 joasouza


Salvador, bahia, brazil - september 7, 2022: military personnel of the Brazilian Navy participate in the military parade commemorating the independence of Brazil in the city of Salvador.
Salvador Bahia Brazil September 2022 Military Personnel Brazilian Navy Participate — 图库照片
Salvador, bahia, brazil - september 7, 2022: military personnel of the Brazilian Navy participate in the military parade commemorating the independence of Brazil in the city of Salvador.
Salvador Bahia Brazil September 2022 Military Personnel Brazilian Navy Participate — 图库照片
Lsalvador, bahia, brazil - september 7, 2014: Brazilian Navy military personnel are seen during a military parade celebrating the independence of Brazil in the city of Salvador.
Lsalvador Bahia Brazil September 2014 Brazilian Navy Military Personnel Seen — 图库照片
Salvador, bahia / brazil - September tDecember 7, 2014: students from the Brazilian Army school are seen during Brazil's independence parade in the city of Salvador.
Salvador Bahia Brazil September Tdecember 2014 Students Brazilian Army School — 图库照片
Lsalvador, bahia, brazil - september 7, 2014: Brazilian Navy military personnel are seen during a military parade celebrating the independence of Brazil in the city of Salvador.
Lsalvador Bahia Brazil September 2014 Brazilian Navy Military Personnel Seen — 图库照片
Salvador, bahia, brazil - september 7, 2022: military personnel of the Brazilian Navy participate in the military parade commemorating the independence of Brazil in the city of Salvador.
Salvador Bahia Brazil September 2022 Military Personnel Brazilian Navy Participate — 图库照片
2016年9月7日 在萨尔瓦多市庆祝巴西独立的阅兵式上 巴西军队成员 — 图库照片
Salvador, bahia, brazil - september 7, 2022: members of the military school fanfare participate in the military parade commemorating the independence of Brazil, in the city of Salvador.
Salvador Bahia Brazil September 2022 Members Military School Fanfare Participate — 图库照片
Salvador, bahia, brazil - september 7, 2022: members of the military school fanfare participate in the military parade commemorating the independence of Brazil, in the city of Salvador.
Salvador Bahia Brazil September 2022 Members Military School Fanfare Participate — 图库照片
2016年9月7日 在萨尔瓦多市庆祝巴西独立的阅兵式上 巴西军队成员 — 图库照片
Salvador, bahia, brazil - september 7, 2022: military personnel of the Brazilian Navy participate in the military parade commemorating the independence of Brazil in the city of Salvador.
Salvador Bahia Brazil September 2022 Military Personnel Brazilian Navy Participate — 图库照片
Salvador, bahia, brazil - september 7, 2022: members of the military school fanfare participate in the military parade commemorating the independence of Brazil, in the city of Salvador.
Salvador Bahia Brazil September 2022 Members Military School Fanfare Participate — 图库照片
Porto seguro, bahia / brazil - April 22, 2009年4月22日:巴西海军乐队成员在巴伊亚州南部的波尔图塞古罗市表演时露面
Porto Seguro Bahia Brazil April 2009年4月22日 巴西海军乐队成员在巴伊亚州南部的波尔图塞古罗市表演时露面 — 图库照片
2016年9月7日 在萨尔瓦多市庆祝巴西独立期间举行的军民阅兵式上的范法成员 — 图库照片
Salvador, bahia, brazil - september 7, 2022: military personnel of the Brazilian Navy participate in the military parade commemorating the independence of Brazil in the city of Salvador.
Salvador Bahia Brazil September 2022 Military Personnel Brazilian Navy Participate — 图库照片
萨尔瓦多,巴西巴伊亚州- 2016年9月7日:巴西海军在巴西独立日举行的军民阅兵式上露面.
巴西的军事力量 — 图库照片


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