建筑工人定位墙板 — 图库照片

建筑工人定位墙板 — 图库图片

Construction workers positioning timber wall panels in a new build prefabricated wooden house

 — 照片作者 Vaicheslav


工人钻了一个洞在一个木质的横梁 — 图库照片
特写 建筑工人在建造房地产房屋时使用钻孔装置.
钻木工地的建筑工人 — 图库照片
团队的建设工人大厦楼梯 — 图库照片
Construction worker installing wall insulation on a new build house, close up of his hand and the corner of the newly laid cement floor
建筑工人安装墙体保温 — 图库照片
使用电源的男人看见切木板 — 图库照片
建设者和建筑师检查门架 — 图库照片
用钻爬上脚手架的生成器 — 图库照片
建筑工人到天空光应用嵌缝 — 图库照片
攀爬脚手架未完成家中的生成器 — 图库照片
Construction worker in colorful blue overalls lining up insulated wooden wall panels on the foundation of a new build house watched by a co-worker
建筑工人排队绝缘墙壁 — 图库照片
使用权力的人看见切木板 — 图库照片
Low angle view at floor level from behind of two workmen taking measurement on a building site across the foundation and floor of a new build house
量度一个建筑工地上的工人 — 图库照片
在未完成地下室俯视生成器 — 图库照片
Construction worker or carpenter drilling a beam with wooden panels and interior insulation as he stands in the shade of a tree on a building site
建筑工人钻井一束 — 图库照片
Blue plastic retractable builders tape measure on a building site with copyspace for your text
建筑工地上的建设者卷尺 — 图库照片
用钻建筑地下室楼梯生成器 — 图库照片


Workman applying wood glue to an insulated wooden beam to be positioned in the corner of the wall on a new build house construction site
工人将胶应用于绝缘的梁 — 图库照片
手动钻木建筑工地的工人 — 图库照片
Builder or carpenter applying glue to a wooden beam on a construction site from a glue gun
将胶水滴到木梁的生成器 — 图库照片
Team of young builders erecting prefabricated wall panels on a building site of a new house
架设墙板的建设者 — 图库照片
坐在角落在该网站上的男性工程师 — 图库照片
三鼎网站上的木梁的木匠 — 图库照片
建筑工人选择绝缘面板 — 图库照片
Workmen erecting wall insulation panels clad in wooden boards as they work on a new build house construction site
工人们架设墙保温板 — 图库照片
Two workmen working on a building site measuring insulation panels for installation at the corner of a new build house
两个工人在一处建筑工地上工作 — 图库照片
Team of builders or workmen on site at a new build house construction installing the insulated wooden wall panels
在新建房的站点上的建设者 — 图库照片
Happy young workman on a building site carrying a wooden wall insulation panel with a smile, side view against greenery with copyspace
快乐的年轻工人,建筑工地上 — 图库照片
看着建筑工人钻井工程师 — 图库照片
木匠将木材胶应用于面板 — 图库照片
Builder working on a construction site kneeling down fitting a bolt to in insulated wooden beam in his hardhat and overalls
工作在一个建筑工地上的建设者 — 图库照片
Builders positioning an upright wall panel with thick insulation on a construction site for a new build home
建筑商定位直立墙面板 — 图库照片
Team of builders erecting prefab wooden wall panels on the building site of a new house under construction
团队的建设者架设墙板 — 图库照片


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