活动推迟的绑匪 avtomaydan 家的审判 — 图库照片

活动推迟的绑匪 avtomaydan 家的审判 — 图库社论摄影

伊戈尔 · lutsenko 在法庭上 — — 在当晚的 1 月 20 日,激进分子 evromaydan igor lutsenko 和后期的 yuri verbitsky 推迟因绑架事件的一名被告绑架的情况下在首次开庭。被盗的活动

 — 照片作者 igorgolovniov


伊戈尔 · lutsenko 在法庭上 — — 在当晚的 1 月 20 日,激进分子 evromaydan igor lutsenko 和后期的 yuri verbitsky 推迟因绑架事件的一名被告绑架的情况下在首次开庭。被盗的活动
活动推迟的绑匪 avtomaydan 家的审判 — 图库照片
KIEV, UKRAINE -November 14, 2014: In the hall of the forum. In Kiev, an international conference Publick Forum "Putting the" U "in EU". Democracy Reporting International (DRI) together with Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
把 U 放在欧盟的公事论坛 — 图库照片
KIEV, UKRAINE - February 14, 2015: Woman temporary migrant from Lugansk looking in a rented apartment, the broadcast appeal of the President of Ukraine Poroshenko of the General Staff of Ukraine. President Poroshenko ordered a cease-fire.
波罗申科总统下令停火. — 图库照片
KIEV, UKRAINE - February 14, 2015: Woman temporary migrant from Lugansk looking in a rented apartment, the broadcast appeal of the President of Ukraine Poroshenko of the General Staff of Ukraine. President Poroshenko ordered a cease-fire.
波罗申科总统下令停火. — 图库照片
KIEV, UKRAINE -November 14, 2014: Deputy Ambassador of Germany in Ukraine Anka Feldhauzen on the sidelines of the forum. In Kiev, an international conference Publick Forum "Putting the" U "in EU".
德国安卡 Feldhusen 的大使 — 图库照片
KIEV, UKRAINE -November 14, 2014: An international conference Publick Forum "Putting the" U "in EU". Democracy Reporting International together with Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and the civic initiative Reanimation Package of Reforms
把 U 放在欧盟的公事论坛 — 图库照片
KIEV, UKRAINE -November 14, 2014: In the hall of the forum. In Kiev, an international conference Publick Forum "Putting the" U "in EU". Democracy Reporting International (DRI) together with Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
把 U 放在欧盟的公事论坛 — 图库照片
KIEV, UKRAINE -November 14, 2014: In the hall of the forum. In Kiev, an international conference Publick Forum "Putting the" U "in EU". Democracy Reporting International (DRI) together with Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
把 U 放在欧盟的公事论坛 — 图库照片
KIEV, UKRAINE - Feb 25, 2015: Finance Minister Natalia Yaresko and Cabinet Minister Anna Onishchenko. The Cabinet will increase the costs of refugees to 3 billion hryvnia.
纳塔利娅亚列西科和安娜 · 奥尼先科 — 图库照片
在法庭的过程中, 观察了 Osce 的工作人员。基辅上诉法院再次推迟审议对萨多夫尼克的刑事诉讼中公诉上诉
奥斯采员工 — 图库照片
KIEV, UKRAINE -November 14, 2014: An international conference Publick Forum "Putting the" U "in EU". Democracy Reporting International together with Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and the civic initiative Reanimation Package of Reforms
把 U 放在欧盟的公事论坛 — 图库照片
KIEV, UKRAINE -November 14, 2014: On the sidelines of the forum. In Kiev, an international conference Publick Forum "Putting the" U "in EU". Democracy Reporting International (DRI) together with Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
把 U 放在欧盟的公事论坛 — 图库照片
年轻的 businesman 象鼻喝茶和看起来信息在社会媒体网书
年轻的 businesman 象鼻喝茶叶 — 图库照片
年轻的 businesman 骂猫想吃的蛋糕,当他来看看信息社会媒体网书
年轻的 businesman 和猫 — 图库照片
年轻男女在酒吧里自作主张 — 图库照片


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