纽约城市市容与帝国大厦 — 图库照片

纽约城市市容与帝国大厦 — 图库社论摄影

纽约城 — — 5 月 13 日: 帝国大厦在 2013 年 5 月 13 日在纽约城。它是座 102 层的摩天大楼位于曼哈顿中城。它站在作为世界最高建筑 40 多年来,从它的完成在 1931 年.

 — 照片作者 AndreyKr


纽约城城市景观 — 图库照片
纽约市 - 5月13日:纽约城市景观与帝国大厦在夜间,纽约,乌萨2013年5月13日.
纽约市的夜景 — 图库照片
纽约城空中概述 — 图库照片
NEW YORK CITY - MAY 13: New York cityscape in the night with Empire State building at sunset on May 13, 2013 in New York. It's a 102-story skyscraper located in Midtown Manhattan and it stood as the world's tallest building for 40 years, from its com
纽约市的夜景 — 图库照片
纽约市的夜景 — 图库照片
纽约城城市景观 — 图库照片
NEW YORK CITY - MAY 13: New York cityscape in the night with Empire State building at sunset on May 13, 2013 in New York. It's a 102-story skyscraper located in Midtown Manhattan and it stood as the world's tallest building for 40 years, from its com
纽约市的夜景 — 图库照片
纽约城市市容与中央公园 — 图库照片
NEW YORK CITY - MAY 13: New York cityscape in the night with Empire State building at sunset on May 13, 2013 in New York. It's a 102-story skyscraper located in Midtown Manhattan and it stood as the world's tallest building for 40 years, from its com
纽约市的夜景 — 图库照片
纽约市的夜景 — 图库照片
NEW YORK CITY - MAY 13: New York cityscape in the night with Empire State building at sunset on May 13, 2013 in New York. It's a 102-story skyscraper located in Midtown Manhattan and it stood as the world's tallest building for 40 years, from its com
纽约市的夜景 — 图库照片
纽约城城市景观 — 图库照片
曼哈顿下城市容 — 图库照片
NEW YORK CITY - MAY 13: New York cityscape in the night with Empire State building at sunset on May 13, 2013 in New York. It's a 102-story skyscraper located in Midtown Manhattan and it stood as the world's tallest building for 40 years, from its com
纽约市的夜景 — 图库照片
日落时的纽约市景观 — 图库照片
纽约市的夜景 — 图库照片


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